About the Website
IsaacGuru's Item Laboratory is a website that shows brief information about every item in The Binding of Isaac.
This includes not only items, but also trinkets, pickups, consumables, machines, characters, transformations, curses, and much more!
The website is created and personally maintained by YouTuber IsaacGuru, as an ultimate addition to the ongoing showcase series for various items in the game.
The website also includes items from popular mods, which makes it stand out from other similar websites, and even the Wiki itself!
Everything here is based on the latest version of the game (currently Older DLCs are not supported, mainly because of modded items being added which usually require the Repentance DLC and latest version of the game in order to work properly. Respectively, mods are also based on their latest versions.
How does it work?
All of the previously mentioned items are listed on the main page, categorized by their type (item, trinket, etc). By hovering the mouse over any item, information is instantly displayed in the description box on the left of the page.
You can click on the item's icon in order to freeze its description for 3 seconds, allowing you to freely move your mouse over to the description box. The freeze duration is indicated by a charge-bar in the top left corner.
The information shown in the description box includes the following:
- Item id
- Quality
- Name
- Description (pick-up quote)
- Item pools in which the item can be found (hovering over them shows the weight)
- Display icon
- Type (active, passive, etc)
- Active items show their recharge time and cooldown
- Pills include information about their class, effect and impact
- Detailed description of the item's main effects and quirks
- Unlock condition
- Transformations that the item contributes to
- Shop, Devil Deal and Angel Shop price, if different than the usual
- Item tags
- Special synergies (if any)
- This includes special synergies such as Book of Virtues, Judas' Book of Belial, Abyss, BFFS!, etc
- Other regular synergies are not listed here. The Wiki is still the main place to look for all of them
- Sounds (for cards and pills)
- Costume image
- Link to the item's Wiki page
- Link to IsaacGuru's YouTube video for the item, if any
- Stats and starting items (for characters)
The search box on top of the page can be used to easily search for any item by typing in its name, short description, color, and even some custom keywords that are manually defined for every item.
Additionally, the Filters button can be used to filter out items based on a variety of criteria such as:
- Item type
- Item quality
- Item pools
- Item tags
- Transformations
- Stat changes
- DLC in which items were added
- Unlockable
- Costume
- Animated icon
- ...and more!
Veracity & Accuracy
Veracity & Accuracy of items shown on IsaacGuru's Item Laboratory is the most important aspect of the website, and something that makes it stand out when compared to other similar websites.
This website uses a custom-made script which reads information directly from the game's .xml files and automatically places them in the description box. This means that there is no possibility of error when it comes to the main elements of the items' description boxes, and the only manual part is the detailed description (see illustration below).
In a similar fashion, other elements are also automated when possible, such as the Item pools page, Co-op babies, etc, by reading directly from the .xml files.
Manual descriptions are very carefully checked. Every item was manually tested instead of relying directly on the information from the Wiki. In fact, a lot of information was corrected on the Wiki too whilst making the website. Over a year of dedicated work was put into making sure that everything is as accurate as possible, which is evident by the timeline.
Of course, when manual work is done, mistakes are inevitable. Many such mistakes were corrected based on user reports in the Discord server, and various feedback received.
What else is there?
Apart from items, dedicated pages also exist for Item Pools, allowing you to browse to all of them and see which items can be found in the specific item pools. Filters can also be used to see specific Item Pools or even combine them, as well as see items with specific Item Tags.
Co-op babies are also a part of the website. Information about their special effects and unlock condition is included, as well as their full animations!
All console commands are listed in a big table, with detailed description and examples included about their usage.
Cutscenes & Endings can be easily browsed and viewed directly from the website.
The IsaacGuru Discord bot can be added to any Discord server. It allows users to pull live information for any item available on the website via the usage of commands.
EASTER EGGS! There are over 100 hidden Easter Eggs around the website, mainly revolving around items (try clicking some of their icons in the description box).
The Settings page allows users to customize their viewing experience via various settings, such as changing the items icon size, toggling animated icons, zoom effects, toggling the custom mouse pointer, and much more!
The entire website theme can be changed, affecting the background and accent of some elements such as the search box and scroll bar. A background is available for every unique floor in the game, as well as some additional content and backgrounds from supported mods!
Mod Support
As mentioned previously, the website supports a variety of popular mods, with more and more mods planned to being added in the future.
The following mods are currently supported:
If you are interested in adding your own mod, read more here.
Report a Bug
Bugs and wrong information can be reported in the Discord server, in the dedicated #bugs-and-issues channel for the website. I tend to respond to bug reports within 24 hours and immediately correct any wrong piece of information that users might have stumbled upon.
Special thanks to the following Discord users for their contributions to the website:
- eLeCTr1C - help with various elements during the development of the website
- bredzisz - various (and many) bug reports over the website's lifetime
- ProjectTZ - various bug reports and detailed in-game testing for accurate numbers (check out their Russian website!)
- Warhamm2000 - one of the creators of and personally adding the Andromeda and Mastema mods, as well as adding the Samael mod
- catinsurance - one of the creators of and personally adding The Sheriff mod
- Pandora - one of the creators of and personally adding Team Compliance's collection of mods
- Adamo2499 - one of the creators of and personally adding Team Compliance's collection of mods, as well as helping with Martha of Bethany
- hippocrunchy - one of the creators of and personally adding the Bael mod
- Cuerzor - one of the creators of and personally adding the Reverie: Touhou Combinations mod
- Jellyfly - one of the creators of and personally adding the Reverie: Touhou Combinations mod
- YazawaAkiOS - one of the creators of and personally adding the Martha of Bethany mod
- Pikaperson - helping with the Martha of Bethany mod
- dpower12 - one of the creators of and personally adding the Library Expanded mod
- Chemicat Gaming - one of the creators of and personally adding the Pop Pack mod
- nineline - one of the creators of and personally adding the Eclipsed mod
- wons - one of the creators of and personally adding the Red Baby mod
- Ultrinik - one of the creators of and personally adding the Heaven's Call mod
- Snopingas - one of the creators of and personally adding the Godmode Achieved mod
- MINDS3T - one of the creators of and personally adding the Godmode Achieved mod
- Aeronaut - one of the creators of and personally adding the Battle Fantasy mod
- King MPHS - personally adding the Bushel of Burdens and Blessings, and Preyn's Collection modpacks
- Izzek - one of the creators of and personally adding the Repentance Negative mod
- Éole - one of the creators of and personally adding the Beyond mod
- Byronlove9 - one of the spriters of and personally adding the PJJ & Niro's collection of mods
- aristotlepenguin - one of the creators of and personally adding the Minmaxers Anonymous mod
- haemo's ghost - one of the creators of and personally adding the Virtue Items, and Sweet Halloween mods
- Crice Enelace - one of the creators of and personally adding the Elitium mod
- ☼ Tomato ☼ - one of the creators of and personally adding the Me's Very Rocky Collection mod
- Laraz - one of the creators of and personally adding the Repentance Plus mod
- Føxy - one of the creators of and personally adding the Birthcake mod
- elfegue - one of the creators of and personally adding the Road to Enlightenment mod
- NatoPotato - one of the creators of and personally adding the Potato Packs modpack and Curiosity Crate mod
- Kattack - one of the creators of and personally adding the Reshaken mod
- CamperTR - one of the creators of and personally adding the Balatro Jokers and Curiosity Crate mods
- Paul Newmaker - one of the creators of and personally adding the Painted Paths mod
- chef samurai - one of the creators of and personally adding the D!Edith mod
- Giant Disgusting King Blue Baby - one of the creators of and personally adding the Kicks and Giggle mod
- OliveRider - one of the creators of and personally adding the Benevolence mod
- Benny - one of the creators of and personally adding the Birthcake: Rebaked mod
- Kumamoto_Akita - one of the creators of and personally adding the Reverie: Make Good Omissions mod
- Mr. Headcrab - one of the creators of and personally adding the Lazy MattPack mod
- Alheta - one of the creators of and personally adding the Sacred Dreams mod
- Crashpunk - one of the creators of and personally adding the Doki Doki mod
- TREE - one of the creators of and personally adding the Lost and Forgotten mod
- 4Head - one of the creators of and personally adding the More Penny Trinkets mod
- Every other user that has reported an issue, suggested an idea or shared their feedback!