Item Pools

Item Pools are groups of items that define which items can appear in specific types of rooms or various scenarios. They also determine the item rarity within each of these scenarios.

The following item pools are available in Samael. Click on a pool to view the items inside it.

Id Name Description
0 Treasure Room Used inside Treasure Rooms.
1 Shop Used inside Shops.
2 Boss Used for the items that spawn after killing a boss in a Boss Room.
3 Devil Room Used inside Devil Deals.
4 Angel Room Used inside Angel Rooms.
5 Secret Room Used inside Secret Rooms.
6 Library Used inside Libraries.
7 Shell Game Despite its name, this item pool is currently not used by Shell Game and is only internally used by Bag of Crafting.
8 Golden Chest Items in this item pool are spawned from Locked Chests.
9 Red Chest Items in this item pool are spawned from Red Chests.
10 Beggar Items in this item pool are spawned from Beggars.
11 Demon Beggar Items in this item pool are spawned from Devil Beggars.
12 Curse Room Used inside Curse Rooms.
13 Key Master Items in this item pool are spawned from Key Masters.
14 Battery Bum Items in this item pool are spawned from Battery Bums.
15 Mom's Chest Items in this item pool are spawned from Mom's Chest in her room on the Home floor.
16 Greed Treasure Room Used inside the Greed Mode Treasure Room.
17 Greed Boss Room Used inside the Greed Mode White Treasure Room.
18 Greed Shop Used inside the Greed Mode Shop.
19 Greed Curse Room Used inside the Greed Mode Curse Room.
20 Greed Devil Room Used inside the Greed Mode Devil Deal.
21 Greed Angel Room Used inside the Greed Mode Angel Room.
22 Greed Secret Room Used inside the Greed Mode Secret Room.
23 Crane Game Items in this item pool are spawned from the Crane Game.
24 Ultra Secret Room Used inside Ultra Secret Rooms.
25 Bomb Bum Items in this item pool are spawned from Bomb Bums.
26 Planetarium Used inside Planetariums.
27 Old Chest Items in this item pool are spawned from Old Chests.
28 Baby Shop Used inside Shops when Adoption Papers is held.
29 Wooden Chest Items in this item pool are spawned from Wooden Chests.
30 Rotten Beggar Items in this item pool are spawned from Rotten Beggars.
Mod Death Deal Items in this pool appear within fragments and Death Deal Rooms.