#710Bag of Crafting"Make your destiny"Active item (infinite use)
Upon use, pressing an attack button will cause a swipe attack that deals 3 damage to enemies and knocks them back. The size of the swipe scales with Isaac's size, and is affected by his range.

The swipe can be used to open chests and block projectiles.

Swiping a pickup off the floor will add it to the bag. Up to 8 pickups can be stored in the bag. These pickups cannot be dropped.

Double pickups will add 2 copies of the pickup into the bag.

Pickups can also be collected from the Shop, if Isaac has enough money to buy them first.

Once 8 pickups have been collected, the bag can be used once more to create an item based on the types of pickups (components) collected.

A random recipe is chosen for each item when the run starts. This is seeded per run.

If the bag would grant an item that hasn't been unlocked yet, a random item will be crafted instead.

Some recipes are fixed and exist in every run. Click here to check them out.

The crafted item is chosen from one of the following pools:
• 40% → Boss
• 40% → Shop
• 20% → Treasure Room

Pickups added into the bag have different qualities. Some pickups grant a chance to craft an item from a different pool. See more details.

Based on the overall quality of all components in the bag, the crafted item can be chosen from a special pool (Angel Room, Devil Room, or Secret Room), or other pools based on previously explained criteria.

The overall quality of components in the bag also affects the crafted item's possible quality.

Special pool Other pool Item quality
40+ 35+ 4
32-39 27-34 3-4
28-31 23-26 2-4
24-27 19-22 2-3
20-23 15-18 1-2
14-19 9-14 0-2
0-13 0-8 0-1
When playing as Tainted Cain
The item that would be crafted is displayed in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Getting more than 8 pickups in the bag will shift its contents left and up, deleting the top-left slot and adding to the bottom-right.

Tapping the drop key will cycle the bag's contents left and up in a loop. Holding the use button will craft the displayed item.

Crafting an active item while already holding one will turn the old one into pickups, just like collecting it would.

Curse of the Blind! will hide the crafting preview.
Fixed recipes
The following recipes will always grant the same items, if unlocked.
* The order of components is irrelevant.

The Poop
Portable Slot
Yum Heart
Soul Locket
Latch Key
Mr. Boom
Deck of Cards
Sacred Heart
False PHD
Yuck Heart
Dad's Key
Mama Mega!
Mama Mega!
Death Certificate
D infinity
Red Key
Pickup qualities
Below is a table of each pickup's quality, and their added effect, if any.

(0) Poop Nugget: +10% chance per component to craft a Shell Game item

(1) Penny

(1) Heart

(2) Rotten Heart: +10% chance per component to craft a Curse Room item

(2) Bomb

(2) Any card

(2) Cracked Key: +10% chance per component to craft a Red Chest item

(2) Key

(2) Micro Battery

(2) Any pill

(3) Nickel

(4) Dice Shard

(4) Lil' Battery

(4) Any rune or soul stone: +10% chance per component to craft a Planetarium item, if the bag does not contain a Penny, Bomb, Key, or Heart

(4) Soul Heart

(5) Black Heart: +10% chance per component to craft a Devil Room item

(5) Bone Heart: +5% chance per component to craft a Secret Room item

(5) Charged Key

(5) Dime

(5) Eternal Heart: +10% chance per component to craft a Angel Room item

(5) Gold Heart: +10% chance per component to craft a Golden Chest item

(7) Golden Battery

(7) Golden Bomb

(7) Golden Key

(7) Golden Penny

(7) Golden Pill

(8) Lucky Penny

(8) Mega Battery

(10) Giga Bomb

Unlock: Defeat Delirium as Tainted Cain.

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ANNOUNCEMENT The website has been updated with the changes introduced in patch v1.9.7.9 --- check out this video to see what's new! [dismiss]
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This page shows updated information about all items in the new Repentance+ (Online Co-op) DLC.
To see information about items in the previous Repentance version, check this page instead.

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