#6.11Greed Donation MachineGreed Donation MachineMachine/Beggar
Appears after defeating Ultra Greed in Greed Mode.

Touching the machine donates 1¢ to it, incrementing the displayed amount of donations.

Donations persist between runs and contribute toward unlocking certain achievements.

Each donation has a chance to jam the machine, which is shown under the health bar. Each character has a separate jam chance that persists between runs. Modded characters always have a 100% jam chance.

The jam chance maxes out at 20% at 200¢ in Greed Mode, and at 1% at 55¢ in Greedier Mode.

Donating the 1000th coin will drop ~12 dimes, and reset the total donation amount.

The machine is immune to any type of explosion and cannot be destroyed in any way.

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