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July 1st, 2024: The website has been fully rewritten! Check the changelog for a full list of changes.
#418Fruit Cake"Rainbow effects!"Passive item
Grants a random item effect to each tear fired by Isaac.

Can also grant the effects of Book of Virtues wisps, such as dropping pickups on kill, teleporting enemies to random locations, transforming enemies into poop or into random wisps.

Possible item effects:
Ball of Bandages (level 4)
Ball of Tar
Brain Worm
Bumbo (level 3)
The Common Cold
Compound Fracture
Cricket's Body
Cupid's Arrow
Eye of Belial
Eye of Greed (does not make Isaac lose coins)
Eye of the Occult
Fire Mind
Flat Stone
Flat Worm
God's Flesh
Head of the Keeper
Holy Light
Hook Worm
Immaculate Heart
Ipecac (no damage boost, poison effect or arcing)
Iron Bar
Jacob's Ladder
Knockout Drops
Large Zit
Little Horn
Lost Contact
A Lump of Coal
Mom's Contacts
Mom's Eyeshadow
Mom's Perfume
The Mulligan
My Reflection (no shot speed modifier)
Mysterious Liquid
Ocular Rift
Ouija Board
Ouroboros Worm
The Parasite
Polyphemus (no damage applied, only piercing shots on overkill)
Proptosis (no damage multiplier, effectively only decreases damage dealt)
Pulse Worm
Ring Worm
Rotten Tomato
Rubber Cement
Serpent's Kiss
Sinus Infection
Spider Bite
Spoon Bender
Strange Attractor
Sulfuric Acid
Technology Zero
Tiny Planet (no range up)
Wiggle Worm

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▾ITEMS ()▾

D infinity Dogma Jar of Wisps Flip Everything Jar



Heart Heart (half) Heart (soul) Heart (eternal) Heart (double) Black Heart Gold Heart Heart (half soul) Scared Heart Blended Heart Bone Heart Rotten Heart Penny Nickel Dime Double Penny Lucky Penny Sticky Nickel Golden Penny Key Golden Key Key Ring Charged Key Golden Bomb Golden Troll Bomb Giga Bomb Mega Chest Mom's Chest Mega Battery Golden Battery


Hagalaz Jera Ehwaz Dagaz Ansuz Perthro Berkano Algiz Golden Pill Golden Horse Pill


Slot Machine Blood Donation Machine Fortune Telling Machine Beggar Devil Beggar Shell Game Key Master Donation Machine Bomb Bum Shop Restock Machine Greed Donation Machine Mom's Dressing Table Battery Bum Hell Game Crane Game Confessional Rotten Beggar


Magdalene Samson Azazel Lilith Bethany Tainted Magdalene Tainted Eve Tainted Lazarus Tainted Lilith Tainted Bethany


Fun Guy Conjoined Leviathan


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