#713Sumptorium"Blood to blood"Active item (10 seconds recharge time)
(2 seconds cooldown)

When used by any character other than Tainted Eve Removes half a heart of health and creates a blood clot familiar.

Blood clots mimic Isaac's movement, shooting, and inherit tear, effect, including weapon effects.

Holding down the drop button allows Isaac to move independently from the clots.

The familiar start with 15 HP that slowly decays down to 1 HP over time, or 5 HP for clots created by non-red hearts.

Clots are immune to hazards such as spikes, fire places, and lasers.

Enemies deal 1 point of contact and projectile damage when they hit them.

Isaac's bombs and Troll Bombs deal 2 points of damage.

Each type of heart generates a unique type of blood clot, however red hearts are prioritized when using the item:
Red Heart: 35% damage.
Soul Heart: 35% damage; 22.5 HP.
Black Heart: 43% damage; Dark Matter tears.
Eternal Heart: 52% damage; Sacred Heart tears.
Golden Heart: 35% damage; Midas' Touch tears (scales with luck).
Bone Heart: 35% damage; Compound Fracture tears.
Rotten Heart: 35% damage; 7.5 HP.

When playing as Tainted Eve Holding down the fire button will create blood clot familiars every 2 seconds and drain half a heart.

Activating the item will recall all previously created blood clots and heal Tainted Eve for the same type of hearts used to generate the clots.

Blood clots deal 3x Tainted Eve's damage to enemies they pass through when returned to her.

If more blood clots get returned that the amount of health she can have, excess blood clots will drop next to her.

The item has a recharge time of 1 second instead of 10.

A maximum of 29 clots can be absorbed at once.

Unlock: Defeat Delirium as Tainted Eve.

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To see information about items in the previous Repentance version, check this page instead.

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