Console Commands

The following 45 console commands are available in The Binding of Isaac.

Use the dropdown below to see commands from other mods.

Command & Aliases Parameters Description Examples
addplayer [character id] [controller id] Spawns a new player entity that can be controlled same as Isaac. A controlled id may be specified.

Using a character id of -1 will grant control over a random enemy in the room.
addplayer 1
addplayer 2 1
addplayer -1
challenge <challenge id> Starts a new run on a random seed and with the given challenge id. challenge 5
clear Clears all previous text visible in the console. clear
clearcache Clears the sprite cache. Allows modified sprites to be reloaded without having to relaunch the game. clearcache
clearseeds Removes all currently active Easter Egg seeds from the run. clearseeds
combo <item pool id>.[amount of items=1] Gives a specified amount of random items from the specified pool id.
Note: the pool ids that show up in the console when using the command are incorrect. Please see the correct ids from the item pools page.
combo 5
combo 4.20
copy <amount of commands> Copies the specified amount of previously used console commands to your clipboard, allowing them to be pasted into the console which will instantly trigger them, or to be pasted elsewhere. copy 5
costumetest [amount of costumes] Grants 2-6 random costumes, or the amount specified as the second parameter. costumetest 9
curse <curse sum> Applies the specified curses using a sum of their ids. For example, to apply both Curse of the Lost (#4) and Curse of the Blind (#64), you would use 68 as the second parameter. curse 68
cutscene <cutscene id> Plays the specified cutscene. Ids are shown when typing the command in the console. cutscene 1
debug <mode> Toggles the specified debug mode (cheat).
* 1 = draws markers on the position of each entity
* 2 = shows the grid cost of each grid tile
* 3 = prevents Isaac's health from ever decreasing
* 4 = adds +40 flat damage
* 5 = displays room info such as the name at the bottom of the screen
* 6 = draws red circles that indicate entity damage hitboxes
* 7 = displays any damage to entities, including Isaac's
* 8 = prevents active items from ever losing their charges
* 9 = adds +50 luck
* 10 = causes all enemies to instantly die
* 11 = displays coordinates for each grid tile
* 12 = displays information about Isaac's active, some specific item effects and transformations progress
* 13 = draws red circles that indicate entity grid collision points
* 14 = displays a graph for LUA memory usage
debug 8
delirious <boss id> Forces the boss spawned when using Delirious. Boss ids will appear when typing the command. delirious 16
eggs Unlocks all Easter Eggs in the menu.
Note: this cannot be undone!
forceroom d.<room id>
<s/x>.<room type>.[room id]
<x> <y> <d>
Grants a weight of 1000 to the specified room layout, making it easier to encounter when using the 'reseed' command.

For explanation of the parameters, please check the 'goto' command.
forceroom s.boss.1010
<item name or id> Gives the specified item (c), trinket (t), card (k) or pill (p). The aforementioned letters in brackets must be used before the id, e.g. c118 for Brimstone. Exact names or partial matches may be used as well. g c1
g t12
g cricket
g Holy Light
g k5
<item name or id> Gives the specified item (c), trinket (t), card (k) or pill (p) to the secondary character, e.g. Esau if playing as Jacob and Esau. The aforementioned letters in brackets must be used before the id, e.g. c118 for Brimstone. Exact names or partial matches may be used as well. g2 c1
g2 t12
g2 cricket
g2 Holy Light
g2 k5
goto d.<room id>
<s/x>.<room type>.[room id]
<x> <y> <d>
Teleports Isaac to a different room layout which is possible to generate on the current floor.

The first format teleports to a normal room with the corresponding id.

The second format teleports to a special room (s) or specific room on the floor (x)

The third format teleports to the X and Y coordinates on the floor and a specific dimension (d) which can be 0 = normal; 1 = puzzle rooms in Downpour/Mines; 2 = the Death Certificate area
goto d.405
goto s.angel.3
goto x.itemdungeon.666
goto 6 6 0
gridspawn <grid id> [location] Spawns a grid entity in a random place or a given location. Possible locations can be seen with the 'debug 11' command. gridspawn 1000
gridspawn 1000 36
listcollectibles Prints the currently held items and the amount of each. listcollectibles
<lua code> Executes a direct line of LUA code. lua print("Have you seen IsaacGuru's YouTube channel?")
luamem Prints the current LUA memory usage. luamem
luamod <mod folder> Runs or reloads the specified mod using its exact name in the game's 'mods' folder. luamod isaacguru@utilitycommands_2666310447
luarun <file path> Executes a LUA file relative to the game's folder. luarun resources/scripts/main.lua
macro <macro name> Triggers a set of predefined commands. Please check the Wiki for a full list. macro mom
metro <item id> Forces the item given by Metronome. metro c1
netdelay <amount> Changes the network delay to a specified value. Can be used to test stutters during online gameplay. netdelay 2
netstart <steam id> [steam id] [steam id] Connects players with the specified steamID64 (Dec) to your game. Up to 3 players may be added.

Added players must have the game running with the --networktest parameter specified when launching the game.

You can also use player aliases set in steamids.txt in the local savedata (where options.ini is stored). In the file, each alias can be added on a new line following the format: <name> <steam id>
netstart 76561198060572224
playsfx <sound id> [pitch] Plays a specific sound. A list of sound ids can be found in the sounds.xml file.

Note that sounds from other mods may be played as well however their id numbers will depend on the mods you have installed and will start from the last default game id listed in the file.
playsfx 5
playsfx 6 0.5
prof Used to log information in a .csv file in the game's directory. No longer works despite it being listed in the debug console.
profstop Stops information logging started by the 'prof' command. No longer works despite it being listed in the debug console.
reloadfx Reloads the floor's effects layer (overlays). reloadfx
reloadshaders Reloads the graphical shaders. Has no visual in-game effect. reloadshaders
reloadwisps Reloads wisps spawned by Book of Virtues and locusts spawned by Abyss. reloadwisps
<item name or id/*> Removes the specified item (c), trinket (t), card (k) or pill (p). The aforementioned letters in brackets must be used before the id, e.g. c273 for Bob's Brain. Exact names or partial matches may be used as well. An asterisk (*) may be used to remove one copy of all items and trinkets. r c273
r t9
r growth
r *
<item name or id/*> Removes the specified item (c), trinket (t), card (k) or pill (p) from the secondary character, e.g. Esau if playing as Jacob and Esau. The aforementioned letters in brackets must be used before the id, e.g. c273 for Bob's Brain. Exact names or partial matches may be used as well. An asterisk (*) may be used to remove one copy of all items and trinkets. r2 c273
r2 t9
r2 growth
r2 *
repeat <times> Repeats the last used command a number of times, but no greater than 10.000. repeat 3
reseed Generates a new floor layout using a new seed but without changing the run's seed. reseed
restart [character id] Starts a new run. A character id may be specified in order to play as a different one. restart
restart 3
restock Restocks all purchasable items in the current room, e.g. the Shop. restock
rewind Acts as if the Glowing Hourglass was used, making the game forget about any changes in the current room and teleport Isaac back to the previous. rewind
seed <seed> Starts a new run with the specified seed. seed GGGG GGGG
seed T1MM AY48
spawn <entity name or id>.[type].[subtype].[champion type] Spawns the specified entity. Entity ids or names may be used. Partial name matches are also accepted. spawn 208
spawn fatty
spawn 10.1
stage <stage id>[type] Teleports Isaac to another floor. Letters may be appended to enter alternate floor versions. These ids will appear when typing the command in the console. stage 1
stage 2c
testbosspool Prints a list of all possible bosses that can spawn in the current floor's boss room and their spawn chances (100% = 10.000). testbosspool
time Prints the total amount of time elapsed since starting the run - simiar to the in-game timer but also shows milliseconds. time

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