The following 121 console commands are available in The Binding of Isaac: Utility Commands mod.
Use the dropdown below to see commands from other mods or the vanilla game.
This mod has a special position argument which can be used to specify a location in the room with some of the commands.
The position can be one of the following:
Information about a command's usage can also be printed directly in the console by using ? as the first parameter with any command.
For example, spawnitem ? will print out information about the spawnitem command, similar to the description in the table below.
Command & Aliases | Parameters | Description | Examples |
announcer ann |
<0/1/2> * 0 = random * 1 = off * 2 = always |
Changes the announcer's voice mode. | ann 1 |
appear hi |
- | Plays Isaac's appear animation. | appear |
blackhearts bh |
<amount to give/take> | Gives/Takes a specified amount of ![]() |
bh 6 bh -2 |
bloodcharge bc bloodcharges |
<amount to give/take> | Gives/Takes a specified amount of blood charges (![]() |
bc 6 bc -2 |
bombs | <amount to give/take> | Gives/Takes a specified amount of Bombs. | bombs 30 bombs -15 |
bonehearts bone bones |
<amount to give/take> | Gives/Takes a specified amount of ![]() |
bones 6 bones -2 |
borderlessfullscreen blfs |
[0/1] | Toggles borderless fullscreen (if fullscreen is enabled). | blfs blfs 1 |
brokenhearts broken |
<amount to give/take> | Gives/Takes a specified amount of Broken Hearts. | broken 6 broken -2 |
bulletvisibility bulletvis |
[0/1] | Toggles bullet visibility. | bulletvis bulletvis 1 |
burnme burn |
<duration> [f/s] | Makes Isaac burn for a set duration. | burn 15 |
camerastyle camstyle cam |
[0/1] | Toggles active camera style. | cam cam 0 |
chargebars | [0/1] | Toggles charge bars. | chargebars chargebars 1 |
chargeitem charge battery |
<amount> [slot=0/1/2/3] | Charges Isaac's active item by a specified amount. | charge 6 |
charmme charm |
<duration> [f/s] | Makes Isaac charmed for a set duration. | charm 15 |
clearroom roomclear cr rc |
[0/1] | Clears/Unclears the room. | rc rc 1 |
closedoors close |
[clear=0/1] | Closes all doors in the room. | close close 1 |
confuseme confuse |
<duration> [f/s] | Makes Isaac confused for a set duration. | confuse 15 |
consolefont font |
<0/1/2> * 0 = default * 1 = small * 2 = tiny |
Changes the console font. | font 1 |
count c |
<type> [variant] [subtype] | Counts the number of entities in the room. | c 208 |
damage dmg |
<amount/inf/nan/reset> | Changes Isaac's damage. | dmg 10 dmg reset |
destroygrid dg |
- | Destroys all grid entities in the room. | dg |
die suicide killplayer |
[player id=0] | Instantly kills Isaac. | die |
dischargeitem discharge uncharge |
[slot=0/1/2/3] | Discharges Isaac's active item. | discharge discharge 2 |
displaypopups popups |
[0/1] | Toggles display popups. | popups popups 1 |
eternalhearts eternal eh |
<amount to give/take> | Gives/Takes a specified amount of ![]() |
eh 6 eh -2 |
explosion explode boom |
[position type] [damage] [radius=1] | Creates an explosion on a given position. | boom boom c boom m 3 |
extrahudstyle extrahud hudstyle |
<0/1/2> * 0 = off * 1 = on * 2 = mini |
Changes the Extra HUD style. | extrahud 2 |
fadedconsoledisplay fadedconsole consoledisplay |
[0/1] | Toggles faded console display. | fadedconsole fadedconsole 1 |
fearme fear |
<duration> [f/s] | Makes Isaac feared for a set duration. | fear 15 |
filter | [0/1] | Toggles texture filter mode. | filter filter 1 |
firerate tears tearrate fr tr |
<amount/inf/nan/reset> | Changes Isaac's fire rate. | tears 3 tears reset |
forceitem fi breakfast |
<item id or 0 to disable> | Forces all future items to spawn as the item specified. | fi 118 fi 0 |
foundhud | [0/1] | Toggles Found HUD. | foundhud foundhud 1 |
freezeme freeze |
<duration> [f/s] | Makes Isaac frozen for a set duration. | freeze 15 |
fullhealth fullhp heal |
- | Fills all of Isaac's heart containers. | heal |
fullscreen | [0/1] | Toggles fullscreen mode. | fullscreen fullscreen 1 |
gamma | <0.5-1.5> | Changes the gamma settings. | gamma 0.8 |
getposition getpos |
- | Prints Isaac's coordinates. | getpos |
gigabombs giga gbombs |
<amount to give/take> | Gives/Takes a specified amount of ![]() |
giga 30 giga -15 |
giveitemwisp itemwisp iwisp wisp2 |
<item id> | Gives a Lemegeton wisp. | iwisp 118 |
givewisp wisp |
<item id> | Gives a Book of Virtues wisp. | wisp 105 |
goldenbomb gb |
<0/1> | Gives/Removes a ![]() |
gb 1 |
goldenhearts gh |
<amount to give/take> | Gives/Takes a specified amount of ![]() |
gh 6 gh -2 |
goldenkey gk |
<0/1> | Gives/Removes a ![]() |
gk 1 |
happy :) |
- | Plays Isaac's happy animation. | happy |
hud | [0/1] | Toggles the HUD. | hud hud 1 |
hudoffset hudoff |
<amount> | Changes the HUD offset. | hudoffset 2 |
imfat | - | Spawns a Fatty in the center of the map. | imfat |
infinitemoney infmoney im |
[0/1] | Toggles infinite money. | infmoney infmoney 1 |
keybindings keybinds kb bindings binds |
[0/1] | Toggles key bindings on/off. | kb kb 1 |
keys | <amount to give/take> | Gives/Takes a specified amount of ![]() |
keys 30 keys -15 |
kill killall k |
[type] [variant] [subtype] | Kills all or the specified entities in the room. | kill kill 208 kill 10 1 0 |
killflies killspiders kf ks |
- | Kills all blue flies and spiders in the room. | ks |
killwisps killwisp kw |
- | Kills all wisps. | kw |
lighttravel ltravel travellight lt |
- | Plays Isaac's light travel animation. | lt |
luck | <amount/inf/nan/reset> | Changes Isaac's luck. | luck 10 luck reset |
mamamega mama mega |
[position type] | Creates a Mama Mega! explosion. | mamamega mega c |
mapoppacity mapopp |
<0-1> | Changes the map oppacity. | mapopp 0.5 |
maxhearts maxhp mh |
<amount to give/take (2 = 1 full container)> | Gives/Removes a specified amount of heart containers. | mh 6 mh -2 |
maxrenderscale | <0-99> | Changes the maximum render scale. | maxrenderscale 50 |
maxscale | <0-99> | Changes the render scale. | maxscale 50 |
midasme midas |
<duration> [f/s] | Makes Isaac midas frozen for a set duration. | midas 15 |
money coins cash |
<amount to give/take> | Gives/Takes a specified amount of money. | coins 30 coins -15 |
mousecontrol mouse |
[0/1] | Toggles mouse control. | mouse mouse 1 |
musicvolume musicvol music |
<0-1> | Sets the music volume. | music 0.5 |
name | - | Prints the character's name. | name |
nocurse nocurses nc |
[0/1] | Permanently disables curses. | nc nc 1 |
opendoors open |
[clear=0/1] | Opens all doors in the room. | open open 1 |
pauseonfocuslost pausefocus |
[0/1] | Toggles pausing the game when focus is lost, e.g. when minimized. | pausefocus pausefocus 1 |
pitfallin pfi |
- | Plays Isaac's pitfall in animation. | pfi |
pitfallout pfo |
- | Plays Isaac's pitfall out animation. | pfo |
planetarium plan |
- | Prints the current Planetarium chance. | planetarium |
player character char p |
<player id/name> [tainted=0/1] | Changes the current character. | player isaac player 3 player cain 1 |
playsound play sound sfx |
<sound id> [volume=1] [pitch=1] [pan=0] | Plays a sound. A list of sound ids can be found in the sounds.xml file. Note that sounds from other mods may be played as well however their id numbers will depend on the mods you have installed and will start from the last default game id listed in the file. |
sfx 69 sfx 50 2 0.5 1 |
poisonme poison |
<duration> [f/s] | Makes Isaac poisoned for a set duration. | poison 15 |
poopmana poop poops pm |
<amount to give/take> | Gives/Takes a specified amount of poop mana ( Tainted ???). | poop 6 poop -2 |
position pos |
<position type> | Moves Isaac to a given position. | pos m |
preparecommand prepcommand prepcmd |
<command line> | Prepares a command to be used with the #LastCmd keybind. This is required for default game commands as they cannot be detected by the modding API. | prepcmd spawn 208 |
printentityhealth printhp hp |
- | Prints the health points of all non-effect entities in the room. | hp |
range | <amount/inf/nan/reset> | Changes Isaac's range. | range 400 range reset |
rechargeitem recharge fullcharge |
[slot=0/1/2/3] | Fully recharges Isaac's active item. | recharge recharge 2 |
removeentities re removeentity |
[type] [variant] [subtype] | Removes all entities or entities matching the criteria. | re re 208 re 10 1 |
removegrid rg |
- | Removes all grid entities in the room. | rg |
resetstats rs |
- | Resets all custom stats. | rs |
rottenhearts rotten rh |
<amount to give/take> | Gives/Takes a specified amount of ![]() |
rh 6 rh -2 |
rumble | [0/1] | Toggles Rumble support. | rumble rumble 1 |
sad :( |
- | Plays Isaac's sad animation. | sad |
savecommandhistory savecmdhistory |
[0/1] | Toggles saving command history. | savecmdhistory savecmdhistory 1 |
seedeffect seedeff sef seed2 |
<id> [0/1] | Toggles a special seed effect. | seedeff 5 |
sfxvolume sfxvol sfx |
<0-1> | Changes the SFX volume. | sfx 0.5 |
shakescreen shake earthquake quake |
<duration> [f/s] | Shakes the screen for a set duration. | shake 5 |
shotspeed ss |
<amount/inf/nan/reset> | Changes Isaac's shot speed. | ss 3 ss reset |
showentityhealth showentityhp showhp hps |
<mode> [type] [variant] [subtype] * 0 = disabled * 1 = monsters * 2 = familiars * 3 = effects * 4 = custom * 5 = all |
Displays entities' health. | hps 1 hps 2 hps 4 208 |
showentityinfo entityinfo ei |
[0/1] | Shows the type, variant and subtype of entities. | ei ei 1 |
showfamiliars showfams fams sf |
[0/1] | Shows familiar usage. | sf sf 1 |
showpools pool pools showpool |
[0/1] | Prints the item pool when an item has been spawned naturally. | showpools showpools 1 |
size scale resize |
<amount> | Increases/Decreases Isaac's size. | size 2 size -2 |
slowme slow |
<duration> [f/s] [intensity=0.5] | Makes Isaac slowed for a set duration. | slow 15 |
soulcharge scharge |
<amount to give/take> | Gives/Takes a specified amount of soul charges (![]() |
scharge 6 scharge -2 |
soulhearts soul sh |
<amount to give/take> | Gives/Takes a specified amount of ![]() |
sh 6 sh -2 |
spawncard sc |
<card id or 0 for random> [position type] | Spawns a card on a given position. | sc 5 sc 0 c |
spawndummy dummy dm |
[position type] | Spawns a Dummy on a given position. | dummy dummy m |
spawnentity se |
<type> [variant] [subtype] [champion type] [position type] | Spawns an entity on a given position. | se 208 se 10 1 se 10 1 -1 c |
spawngoldentrinket sg |
<trinket id> [position type] | Spawns a golden trinket on a given position. | sg 9 sg 9 m |
spawngrid grid gs |
<grid entity id> [variant] [position type] | Spawns a grid entity on a given position. | grid 2 grid 2 0 c |
spawnitem si |
<item id or 0 for random> [position type] | Spawns an item pedestal on a given position. | si 118 si 4 c |
spawnpill sp |
<pill color (0-14)> [horse=0] [position type] | Spawns a pill on a given position. | sp 5 sp 0 c |
spawntrinket st |
<trinket id or 0 for random> [position type] | Spawns a trinket on a given position. | st 3 st 3 m |
speed spd |
<amount/inf/nan/reset> | Changes Isaac's speed. | speed 1.5 speed reset |
stoploopingsounds stopsounds stoploop sls |
- | Stops all looping sounds. | stopsounds |
stopsound stop stopsfx |
<sound id> | Stops a sound. A list of sound ids can be found in the sounds.xml file. Note that sounds from other mods may be played as well however their id numbers will depend on the mods you have installed and will start from the last default game id listed in the file. |
stop 69 |
teleport tp |
- | Plays Isaac's teleport animation. | tp |
transformation transform transf t |
<transformation name> [remove=0] | Gives/Removes a player transformation. NOTE: cannot remove transformations if Isaac already has the required items. |
transform guppy |
trapdoor td |
- | Plays Isaac's trapdoor animation. | td |
turngold gold golden goldroom goldenroom |
- | Makes the room golden. | turngold |
usecard card |
<card id> [show animation=0] [add costume=1] | Uses a card. | card 5 |
useitem use item |
<item id> [show animation=0] [add costume=1] | Uses an active item. Can also work with some passive items, granting their effect for the current room. | use 105 use 118 0 0 |
usepill pill |
<pill id> [horse=0/1] | Uses a pill. | pill 3 pill 3 1 |
usepoopspell poop poopspell |
<spell id> | Uses a poop spell. | poop 3 |
visibility vis |
[0/1] | Makes Isaac visible/invisible. | vis vis 1 |
vsync | [0/1] | Toggles VSync. | vsync vsync 1 |