Sacred DreamsThe Dream Guard"Mr. Sandman"The Dream GuardCharacter

(3.33; ×1.20)
(2.10; ×0.60)

0 coins, 0 bombs, 0 keys.

Starting items
Sand Pouch (consumable slot)


Has a Sand Bar displayed under the health bar and 3 inventory slots underneath it.

Each time an enemy affected by somnolence dies, the Sand Bar replenishes depending on the enemy's max health.

Once fully filled, the bar empties itself and levels up adding 1 point. Each level gained makes it harder to replenish.

On new floor:

If the Dream Guard has at least 1 point on his Sand Bar, spawns a set piece in the starting room that contains a set of random Abilities (only 1 can be picked up) and a Somnoleptic Shrine.

The whole set piece disappears upon leaving the room.


Each ability in the set costs 1 point to pick up.

The set will keep on respawning as long as the Dream Guard has any points to spend.

Abilities in the Dream Guard's inventory will be excluded from the set's pool.

- Synergies - - Costume -
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▾ITEMS ()▾







▾Sand Pouch Abilities ()▾