Me's Very Rocky CollectionMe"Rocks o' plenty"Character


0 coins, 0 bombs, 0 keys.

Starting items
Lil Chest and Mom's Bracelet (in the consumable slot).

Me has natural flight.

Mom's Bracelet is changed for Me, as the rocks it throws do 2 times his damage, and once the rock collides with a wall, obstacle, or an enemy, it releases 4 Rubble tears that copy Me's tear effects.

These tears do 10% of the rock's damage, plus 60% of Me's damage itself.

Mom's Bracelet also does not consume charges from its charge bar, allowing Me to throw rocks faster.

All boss and mini-boss rooms for Me have extra rocks and obistacles placed in the room randomly.

- Synergies - - Costume -
Me's Very Rocky Collection

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