
(5.25; ×1.5)

0 coins, 0 bombs, 0 keys.

Starting items
No starting items.

Moves by hopping around rather than walking.

Unable to move and shoot simultaneously. However, charge bars may be charged up, but not released, while moving.

Pressing the drop button makes Edith jump in place, or in a direction while shooting tears. She is invincible while airborne and 1 second afterward.

Falling into a pit will teleport Edith to the nearest safe spot.

Bombs may be dropped while airborne, and they will instantly explode after falling to the ground, without dealing any damage to Edith.

Landing after a jump deals up to 7.5x Edith's damage to nearby enemies, with the damage depending on her range and distance to the enemy when landing.

Edith's stomps have a cooldown that depends on her fire rate, starting at 2.5 seconds at 2.73 tears, and reaching 0.33 seconds at 15 tears. Her stomp cooldown is also multiplied by the square root of the amount of tears shot out.

Landing directly on an enemy while dealing enough damage to kill it resets the stomp cooldown, prevents on-death effects and activates all 'critical kill' effects.

Bosses are immune to critical hits.

Unlock: Defeat The Beast.

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