Red Baby!!!Character

(3.67; ×1.05)

0 coins, 0 bombs, 0 keys.

Starting items
Lemon Mishap

Lost Cork (gulped)

Scoped Creep (gulped) once unlocked

Can revive as long as he has 2 Red Heart containers or more. Each revive removes 2 Red Heart containers and empties all other heart containers in exchange for:
+0.05 speed.
+0.15 fire rate.
+0.60 flat damage.
+2 Bone Hearts.

Health conversion Cannot have Soul Hearts and Black Hearts. Any item that gives a Soul Heart will grant a Rotten Heart instead, and Black Hearts will grant Bone Hearts instead.

Health pickups will get a similar conversion: Half Soul Hearts are replaced with Half Rotten Hearts, and Blended Hearts with Blended Rotten Hearts respectively.

Health pickups have a 50% chance to not transform if one of the characters can have Soul Hearts.

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