Lazy MattPackLinger Bean"Thunderous Farts"Reworked item
Upgraded to quality 3.

Double-tapping a fire key will spawn a small brown cloud in the opposite direction Isaac is firing.

These clouds will grow through 4 stages, growing and progressing to a new stage every 7 seconds while keeping all previous effects.

Stage 1: The cloud deals Isaac's damage 4.29 times per second.

Stage 2: The cloud begins raining, leaving small puddles of tear creep underneath.

Stage 3: The puddles of creep left by the cloud gain a 33% chance of inheriting Isaac's tear effects.

Stage 4: All creep left by the cloud inherits Isaac's tear effects.
• The cloud begins raining tears that inherit Isaac's damage and tear effects.
• With a cooldown of 4 seconds, any enemy walking underneath the cloud will be struck by a bolt of lightning, dealing 3x Isaac's damage.

A cloud can be spawned every 10 seconds.

Clouds can be easily moved by shooting at them.

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