Lazy MattPackTech Omega"Shock from a Distance"Passive item
Instead of tears, Isaac fires a wide, continuous, low-damage laser beam for as long as a fire button is held.

Enemies hit by Isaac's lasers will have their "tech charge" increased.

Once an enemy's tech charge reaches 100%, or if it dies with a charge over 33%, 4 limited-range, half-damage lasers will burst out of them in an X shape. These lasers can not damage the enemy spawning them.

Isaac's continuous laser will increase enemy tech charge by ~66% per second at base fire rate, getting faster as fire rate increases.

Enemy tech charge constantly drains at a rate of 30% per second.

The range of burst lasers scales with Isaac's range stat.

Non-Tech lasers, such as Brimstone and Revelation beams, contribute to tech charge as well.

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