Virtue ItemsKindness"Be kind to be treated kindly"Passive item
Encountering a naturally spawned Shopkeeper or Beggar of any type spawns a special Kindness Wisp familiar.

Going to the next floor causes each wisp to pay out with a random reward and a guaranteed +0.2 luck.

Possible rewards include:
• 23.33% for either a Golden Key, Golden Bomb, Golden Pill, Gold Heart, Eternal Chest, Eternal Heart or a random card.
• 13.33% for either a Dip familiar or a regular Book of Virtues wisp.
• 63.33% for a random pickup.

If any Beggar or Shopkeeper dies, all wisps are lost.

This item contributes towards the Saint transformation. Collecting 3 items from this set will give enemies a 50% chance to drop a disappearing Half Soul Heart on death.

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