AndromedaChiron"Wounded healer"Passive item
+1 empty Red Heart container.

Grants a 5% chance to heal for double the amount of damage taken.

Each hit increases the chance of healing by 4.5%.

When the effect triggers, the chance resets back to 5%.

Soul Hearts are added if the amount healed exceeds Isaac's total Red Health or if Isaac only has Soul/Black Hearts.

Taking Red Heart damage no longer decreases Angel/ Devil deal chance.

This item contributes towards the Spode transformation when it is unlocked. Collecting 3 items from this set will grant Isaac flight and make his tears spawn little star tears that have 1/4th of Isaac's damage, homing, and inherit tear effects.
Unlock: Earn all completion marks as Tainted Andromeda.

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ANNOUNCEMENT The Repentance+ DLC has been released! The full release notes can be found here. The new game files have been imported to the website and any item attribute changes are automatically shown. Manual descriptions have also been updated according to the release notes and other various sources. [dismiss]
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