AndromedaSingularity"Infinite possibilities"Active item (12 pips, charges by collecting pickups or using consumables)
Spawns a random pickup, chest, or has a 10% chance to instead spawn an item from a random item pool.

Each pickup/chest variant has an equal chance of spawning. For example: if it spawns a heart, that heart has an equal chance to be a Heart, Black Heart, Eternal Heart, etc.

Can be overcharged by default.

Every pickup charges singularity differently, shown in the list below:

• 24 pips - A Dollar, Pyro and Skeleton Key.

• 12 pips - A Quarter.

• 10 pips - Boom!.

• 6 pips - Void, Abyss, Black Rune or Alpha Centauri if anything was absorbed.

• 4 pips - Charged Key, Giga Bomb and Horse 48 Hour Energy!.

• 3 pips - Golden Key, Golden Bomb, Dime, Lucky Penny and Eternal Heart.

• 2 pips - All double pack pickups, Nickel, Black Heart, Bone Heart, 48 Hour Energy! and Horse Pills.

• 1 pip - Smelter, Marbles if a trinket was gulped.

• 1 pip - Golden Penny, Golden Pill or Golden Horse Pill with 50% chance, but the latter gives 2 instead of 1.

• 0 pips - Any batteries don't charge Singularity, as well as Ancient Recall, Vurp! and Gold Heart.

• 1 pip - Anything else not listed, as well as unsupported modded pickups.

Unlock: Defeat Delirium as Tainted Andromeda.

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ANNOUNCEMENT The Repentance+ DLC has been released! The full release notes can be found here. The new game files have been imported to the website and any item attribute changes are automatically shown. Manual descriptions have also been updated according to the release notes and other various sources. [dismiss]
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