AndromedaSingularity"Infinite possibilities"Active item (12 pips, charges by collecting pickups or using consumables)
Spawns a random pickup, chest, or has a 10% chance to instead spawn an item from a random item pool.

Each pickup/chest variant has an equal chance of spawning. For example: if it spawns a heart, that heart has an equal chance to be a Heart, Black Heart, Eternal Heart, etc.

Can be overcharged by default.

Every pickup charges singularity differently, shown in the list below:

• 24 pips - A Dollar, Pyro and Skeleton Key.

• 12 pips - A Quarter.

• 10 pips - Boom!.

• 6 pips - Void, Abyss, Black Rune or Alpha Centauri if anything was absorbed.

• 4 pips - Charged Key, Giga Bomb and Horse 48 Hour Energy!.

• 3 pips - Golden Key, Golden Bomb, Dime, Lucky Penny and Eternal Heart.

• 2 pips - All double pack pickups, Nickel, Black Heart, Bone Heart, 48 Hour Energy! and Horse Pills.

• 1 pip - Smelter, Marbles if a trinket was gulped.

• 1 pip - Golden Penny, Golden Pill or Golden Horse Pill with 50% chance, but the latter gives 2 instead of 1.

• 0 pips - Any batteries don't charge Singularity, as well as Ancient Recall, Vurp! and Gold Heart.

• 1 pip - Anything else not listed, as well as unsupported modded pickups.

Unlock: Defeat Delirium as Tainted Andromeda.

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ANNOUNCEMENT The website has been updated with the changes introduced in patch v1.9.7.9 --- check out this video to see what's new! [dismiss]
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