AndromedaLuminary Flare"Burning sun"Passive item
Causes a sun to appear in the center of each room.

Killing an enemy has a 20% chance to make the sun shoot a powerful solar flare in a random direction.

The flare deals 22 damage per tick (660 per second).

Enemies that get near it are burned for 2 seconds, and additionally receive 3.15 + DamageStat / 10 damage, 1.5 times per second.

Burn damage from the sun slightly increases with Isaac's damage.

The sun's brightness almost nullifies the effects of Curse of Darkness!.

Unlock: Defeat The Lamb as Tainted Andromeda.

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ANNOUNCEMENT The Repentance+ DLC has been released! The full release notes can be found here. The new game files have been imported to the website and any item attribute changes are automatically shown. Manual descriptions have also been updated according to the release notes and other various sources. [dismiss]
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