Martha of BethanyHope"Conserve and unleash"Active item (infinite use)
While held +10% Angel Room chance.

On useIsaac raises the item above his head. Picking up any consumables in this state converts them into Hope counts and adds them to the counter near the active item slot.

The item can store up to 20 Hope. While playing as Martha, the Hope will instead be displayed beside the pickup HUD and can store up to 99 Hope.

Pressing the bomb button while the item is raised casts a light blast instead at the cost of 2 Hope counts, dealing 100 damage.

Holding the active item button consumes 6 Faith and spawns a target that can be moved by the fire button, releasing the active item button then spawns a huge beam of light on where the target is. The light beam deals 10 + EnemyMaxHealth x 0.5% damage 15 times per second.

The amount of Hope granted from pickups is based on their value. Normal pickups such as hearts, pennies, keys, or bombs grant 1 Hope. Higher-value pickups such as nickels or dimes give Hope equal to their value. Pills, cards, and other consumables usually give 2 Hope, etc.

Unlock: Defeat Delirium as Martha.

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Martha of Bethany

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