Potato PacksIgnis"Burning flesh"Passive item
When Isaac touches a fireplace, instead of taking damage the fire is put out and Isaac gains a small flame on his head, he is granted +0.2 speed and +1.02 tears.

If Isaac touches another fireplace he bursts into flames, while on fire he is invincible and has a further +0.2 speed, he loses the ability to attack or stand still, but deals 3.5 × Damage stat on contact (21 × Damage stat per second), with a +50% damage boost for red or purple fire.

The fire goes out after 8 seconds or when changing rooms, the timer restarts if Isaac touches another fireplace while still on fire, once the fire has gone out Isaac returns to normal and loses the stat boosts.

The item also grants a 60% chance to spawn a fireplace in rooms that don't normally have them.

Part of the Potato Pack 1 mod.

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Potato Packs

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