Potato PacksTainted GaiaTainted GaiaCharacter


0 coins, 0 bombs, 0 keys.

Starting items
XXI - The World

Gaia is constantly under the advanced effect of the Curse of Scarcity.

Whenever an enemy dies Gaia gains flower charges. By pressing the drop input or CTRL button flower charges can be spent to spawn pickups, trinkets, and items.

The purchase list is as follows:
• 8 charges to spawn a random coin.
• 10 to spawn a random Red, Soul, or Black Heart.
• 12 to spawn a random key.
• 14 to spawn a random bomb.
• 16 to spawn a random pill.
• 18 to spawn a random card.
• 20 to spawn a random rune.
• 30 to spawn a random Gold, Bone, or Eternal Heart.
• 60 to spawn a random trinket.
• 120 to spawn a random item.
• 600 to get a 1up!.

Part of the Potato Pack 3 mod.

- Synergies - - Costume -
ANNOUNCEMENT The website has been updated with the changes introduced in patch v1.9.7.9 --- check out this video to see what's new! [dismiss]
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Potato Packs

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