Godmode AchievedTainted GehaziTainted GehaziCharacter
The Damned


0 coins, 1 bomb, 0 keys.

Starting items
Golden Stopwatch

Broken Magnet

Every time Tainted Gehazi is in a combat room, his eyes look like coins, and as long as he has coins, his damage increases by 250%.

In that state, each shot makes him lose a coin. Tears that get fired while he has coins deal 1/3rd of his damage stat.

If the coin projectile lands on an enemy of an interactable he can shoot at like an explosive barrel, a coin shrouded in black fog drops on the floor, allowing him to pick it back up and deal the remaining 2/3rds of his damage stat, multiplied by however strong the coin is:
• 66% * 100% for a Penny.
• 66% * 200% for a Double Penny.
• 66% * 500% for a Nickel.

He will only lose 1 penny regardless of what kind of coin spawns.

Upon entering a new floor, a Gehazi Shrine spawns in the starting room.

Unlock: Open up the hidden Red Door in the Home level as Gehazi.

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