Reverie: Make Good OmissionsFlandreFlandreCharacter

(5.25; ×1.5)

1 coin, 4 bombs, 0 keys.

Starting items
Impulse to Destroy (Consumable slot)

Has the ability to fly.

Has immunity to damage from explosions.

Uses an unknown club that can be swung as a melee weapon.

The swing speed of the club is unaffected by fire rate, but range can affect the area of the flames fired by the club.

The club destroys shots it comes into contact with and deals TearsStat × DamageStat damage.

Double-tapping a fire button or pressing the drop button while firing will shoot a Danmaku of three continuous crystal tears, instead of swinging the club.

Bombs are used to cast a Spell Card instead of being placed down.

When a Spell Card is cast, Flandre gains a brief period of invincibility and creates a large-area explosion centered on herself; the Spell Card's attack can destroy all destructible obstacles, fireplaces, doors, and more.

Flandre will gain 1 Destructive Desire for each enemy or trap killed, as well as for each rock, poop, fireplace, machine, beggar, or shopkeeper destroyed.

The Destructive Desire status bar is displayed on the HUD. Flandre starts with 0 Destructive Desire.

The more Destructive Desire Flandre accumulates, the more and stronger her abilities become:
• If Destructive Desire ≥ 25, killing enemies has a 5% chance to restore half a red heart. Caps at 100% with 500 Destructive Desire.
• If Destructive Desire ≥ 50, the club can swing fire, which can damage and ignite enemies; the Danmaku fired turns into a single destructive tear, which deals 4 × DamageStat + 10 damage; the cast Spell Card changes to Taboo "Lävatein", and Flandre's attacks can destroy all destructible obstacles, fireplaces, doors, and more.
• If Destructive Desire ≥ 75, enemies and traps have a 50% chance to display "Eye" upon spawning. Caps at 100% with 100 Destructive Desire.
• If Destructive Desire ≥ 100, the swing speed of the club is doubled; the Danmaku fired turns into three continuous destructive tears; the cast Spell Card changes to Q.E.D. "Ripples of 495 Years".

Enemies that display the "Eye" take double damage and will be instantly killed by Flandre's club. For bosses, they can only be instantly killed when their health is below 30%.

Flandre will lose 25 Destructive Desire for each half a heart of damage taken.

Flandre has no reflection in the water.

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