Reverie: Make Good OmissionsReimuReimuCharacter

(1.36; ×0.5)
(4.90; ×1.4)

0 coins, 0 bombs, 0 keys.

Starting items
Donation Box

The maximum number of coin heart containers that can be acquired via normal HP up items is 3.

Uses a Gohei that can be swung as a melee weapon.

The Gohei deals 2.5x damage.

After taking non-self damage, Firepower is reduced to the largest integer less than the current value.

Firepower is displayed on the HUD. Reimu starts with 1.00 Firepower, and the maximum Firepower is 3.00.

Reimu can shoot spectral homing amulets dealing 100% damage using her innate Yin-Yang Orb Options. The number of Options is equal to the integer value of Firepower.

Whilst shooting, Reimu charges a special attack indicated by a charge bar. Releasing the fire button will shoot out a Hakurei Amulets that deals 15 + 4 × DamageStat damage.
• When Firepower reaches 2.00, the charge bar can fully charge twice, shooting out 2 Hakurei Amulets that automatically aim at enemies, each dealing 15 + DamageStat damage.
• When Firepower reaches 4.00, the charge bar can fully charge three times, shooting out 4 Hakurei Amulets that automatically aim at enemies, each dealing 15 + 2 × DamageStat damage.
• When Firepower reaches 5.00, the charge bar can fully charge three times, shooting out 6 Hakurei Amulets that automatically aim at enemies, each dealing 15 + 3 × DamageStat damage.

For every cumulative damage dealt to monsters equal to 10 + 20 × CurrentFloor, a random coin is dropped. The coin disappears after 2 seconds unless picked up.

A maximum of 10 coins can be dropped from a single instance of damage.

For each point of Luck Reimu has, grants +1% chance for a Devil/Angel Deal. And upon entering a new floor, grants +2% Planetarium chance.

Any item with a quality of (LuckStat - 10) / 10 or lower that spawns in the future will be rerolled into items with a quality higher than (LuckStat - 10) / 10. If the item pool no longer contains any items of the specified quality, reroll into items with 1 quality less.

Hold the Shift key to toggle Focus Mode:
-50% hitbox size, now indicated by a red dot near her legs.
Speed is reduced, but some enemy shots pass over her.
• Stops swinging the Gohei and charging.
• Yin-Yang Orb Options group towards Reimu's firing direction, shooting spectral needles at 4 times Reimu's fire rate.

All heart pickups are converted into 5 Power Points.

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