Reverie: Make Good OmissionsCurse of the Haunting God"Are you not scared?"Passive item
Isaac inflicts status effects on enemies when dealing damage.

The more copies of this item Isaac holds, the more types of Status Effects will be inflicted when dealing damage.
• When holding 1, inflicts Slow.
• When holding 2, inflicts Slow and Bleed.
• When holding 3, inflicts Slow, Bleed, and Poison.
• When holding 4, inflicts Slow, Bleed, Poison, and Burn.
• When holding 5, inflicts Slow, Bleed, Poison, Burn, and Confusion.
• When holding 6, inflicts Slow, Bleed, Poison, Burn, Confusion, and Weakness.
• When holding 7 or more, inflicts Slow, Bleed, Poison, Burn, Confusion, Weakness, and Petrification.

While holding Curse of the Haunting God, if the quantity of Curse of the Haunting God is less than 7, randomly spawned items from an item pool that contains items with quality 4 in the future will have a 20% chance to be replaced by Curse of the Haunting God.

Curse of the Haunting God spawned by replacing another item will disguise itself as an item with quality 4 from the same item pool as the item it replaced.

If Isaac gets close enough to the disguised Curse of the Haunting God or picks it up, it will reveal its true form.

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