Reverie: Make Good OmissionsTainted FlandreTainted FlandreCharacter
Bad Kid

(4.20; ×1.2)

4 coins, 0 bombs, 1 key.

Starting items
Blood Gem (Consumable slot)

100% chance for a Devil Room to spawn after beating a boss, regardless of damage taken, except on floors where Devil/Angel Rooms don't normally spawn.

The Devil Room will stay open after leaving.

Angel Rooms will never spawn.

The initially spawned enemies in rooms entered for the first time drop a Half Heart upon death, which disappears after 1.5 seconds unless picked up.

Tainted Flandre will lose 4 Stress for each half a heart of self-damage taken.

The stress status bar is displayed on the HUD. Tainted Flandre starts with 100 Stress and Stress cannot exceed 100.

Tainted Flandre has different traits in different Stress states:
• If Stress > 50, have a Stress / 100 chance to gain a Broken Heart for each instance of non-self damage taken.
• If Stress ≤ 50, gain ×(100 - Stress) / 50 damage multiplier and have a (100 - Stress) / 10% chance of removing a Broken Heart after killing an enemy.

For each Broken Heart removed, spawns 1 item from the Angel Room item pool.

When Tainted Flandre has no Broken Hearts, an additional free item from the Angel Room item pool will spawn in the Devil Room.

Tainted Flandre will gain Stress under the following situations:
• Gain 1 Stress for each initially spawned enemy killed in rooms entered for the first time.
• Gain 1 Stress for each trap killed or Shopkeeper destroyed.
• Gain 1 Stress for each poop or fire place destroyed.
• Gain 0.5 Stress for each rock destroyed.
• Gain 5 Stress for each machine or beggar destroyed.
• Gain 5 Stress for each half black heart obtained.
• Gain 25 Stress for each half a heart of non-self damage taken.

All Soul Hearts gained by Tainted Flandre are converted into Black Hearts.

Tainted Flandre has no reflection in the water.

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