RevelationsPhylacteryActive item (1 room recharge time)
When full, locks all doors in the room, except special rooms.

When used, switches between Dante and Charon.

When picking up an item, Phylactery will light up yellow and using it will give the item to the other character. This can be done even if the item has no charges.

As Charon, facing in the same direction, indicated by the Phylactery familiar's light, will make him shoot extra tears and grant him increased shot speed.

This happens after 1.77 seconds of facing in the same direction, which grants +1 extra tear and x0.8 shot speed, and after 7.5 seconds which grants +1 extra tear and x1.2 shot speed.

The above bonus is immediately activated when switching to Charon, and he is free to choose the initial direction.

After meeting up with Charon, Phylactery no longer has charges and can infinitely be used to set the direction Charon is facing.

Can only be used by Dante and Charon. Attempting to give it to a different character will instantly replace it with another item.

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