July 1st, 2024: The website has been fully rewritten! Check the changelog for a full list of changes.
BeyondHoly Donation MachineHoly Donation MachineMachine/Beggar
Touching the machine donates 1¢ to it, incrementing the displayed amount of donations.

Every donation increases the chance for the next payout; that chance is reset upon payout. A payout is guaranteed after donating 15¢.

Donating more than 24¢ in total guarantees the next payout to be the final payout.

Possible payouts
• 40% → Soul Heart
• 25% → Holy Card
• 15% → Eternal Heart
• 5% → self-destructs, giving the final payout.

Final payout An item from the Angel Room item pool.

When destroyed
• 25% → nothing
• 25% → Soul Heart
• 25% → 3 Pennies
• 25% → 1 Penny and a Holy Card

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