BeyondOriginal Sin"Sinful"Passive item
Spawns an additional (Super) Sin miniboss room on each floor.

Grants stats boosts upon defeating 7 Sins. These bonuses are doubled when defeating Super 7 Sins:
• Envy: +0.5 flat damage and +0.1 shot speed.
• Gluttony: +0.1 fire rate and +0.75 range.
• Greed: +0.1 speed and +0.5 luck.
• Lust: +0.1 speed and +0.75 range.
• Pride: +0.1 shot speed and +0.5 luck.
• Sloth: +0.1 fire rate and +0.5 luck.
• Wrath: +0.5 flat damage and +0.75 range.

Unlock: Defeat Mega Satan as Sin.

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