Kicks and GigglesLewis"Sentient dynamo"LewisCharacter

(1.00; ×1.3)
(2.73; ×0.42)

0 coins, 0 bombs, 0 keys.

Starting items
Lewis & Wynne's Wedding Ring

Jacob's Ladder (inherent)

87.5% size multiplier.

Cannot have Red Heart containers. Any item that gives Red Heart containers will grant a Soul Heart instead.

Quickly making movement inputs in succession grants a quickly fading +5 flat damage bonus, and a 200% multiplier.

Lewis's tears have Polyphemus's semi-piercing effect.

Lewis's tears gain piercing, and the properties of Brain Worm if his damage is under 7.

Unlock: Kill 5 non-fallen angels on a single run.

- Synergies - - Costume -
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Kicks and Giggles

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