Kicks and GigglesShukoShukoCharacter

(2.73; ×1.1)
(3.50; ×0.545)

Note: Shuko cannot have more than 8 soul hearts.

0 coins, 0 bombs, 0 keys.

Starting items
Blizzard Blockade (consumable slot)

Shuko's Scalpel

Uranus (inherent)

Shuko's Bonesaw (if unlocked)

Condensed Catnip (if unlocked)

Cannot have Red Heart containers. Any item that gives Red Heart containers will grant a Soul Heart instead.

Shuko's tears are fired less accurately, having a spread of 36°.

Holding the Pill/Card button makes Shuko impervious to all forms of damage, but also renders her immobile.

Shuko can envelop herself in a damaging blizzard by holding the Drop button.

The blizzard slows enemies and freezes projectiles in place.

Enemies killed by the blizzard turn into ice statues.

The blizzard's damage scales with Shuko's DPS, but decreases if used for too long.

Shuko is immune to Revelations Mod's Glacier floor's freeze effect.

Unlock: Defeat Mega Satan on Hard Mode while holding Lil Sis's Memorial Photo.

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Kicks and Giggles

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