Kicks and GigglesWynne"Femme fatale"WynneCharacter

(1.31; ×0.65)
(2.73; ×0.6)
(3.50; ×1.2)

Note: Wynne's effective speed stat cannot be higher than 1.3

0 coins, 0 bombs, 0 keys.

Starting items
Wynne's Earrings

Lewis & Wynne's Wedding Ring

Seal of Winifred (inherent)

131.25% size multiplier.

Wynne can charge her hammer by holding the shoot button.

Her hammer attacks have 4 stages of charge:

• Wynne’s uncharged swings deal roughly 12 damage.
• The Hammer twirl hits up to 5 times, and deals roughly 7 damage per hit.
• The medium power hammer flip deals roughly 95~140 damage.
• The full power hammer flip deals roughly 250~450 damage, and inflicts burning.

Wynne's hammer attacks' damage loosely scales with Wynne's damage stat and fire rate.

Wynne's hammer flips' damage increases on later floors.

All of Wynne's hammer attacks ignore armor.

Certain NPCs, such as Pocketcat Daan can be destroyed with Wynne's full power hammer flip.

Unlock: Use the Sacrifice Room 12 times on a single floor.

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Kicks and Giggles

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