Kicks and GigglesTainted Lewis"Mechanized; No bombs (maybe)"Tainted LewisCharacter
The Arbitrary

(2.73; ×0.6)

0 coins, 0 bombs, 0 keys.

Starting items
Lewis's Broken Headband

Jacob's Ladder (inherent)

Lewis & Wynne's Wedding Ring

87.5% size multiplier.

Cannot have Red Heart containers. Any item that gives Red Heart containers will grant a Soul Heart instead.

Cannot hold any bombs.
Touching bombs as Tainted Lewis will turn them into Locust of War locusts.

Upon holding and releasing the attack keys, Lewis does the following:
• Fires a homing Fire Mind explosive tear. (Short charge)
• Fires a weak Revelation beam. (Long charge)

Holding the Drop key causes him to crouch-guard.
Crouch-guarding does nothing on its own.

Tapping any of the movement keys while crouch-guarding will make him roll in that direction.

Rolling when a projectile or an enemy is close enough will make Tainted Lewis temporarily slow time, and instantly ready a stronger Revelation beam counterattack.

The counterattack laser can be fired on demand by quickly pressing any of the firing keys before the slow effect wears off.

Tainted Lewis's lasers' damage scales with Lewis's fire rate and damage.

Unlock: Open up the hidden Red Door in the Home level as Lewis.

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Kicks and Giggles

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