Kicks and GigglesTainted Shuko"Medical expertise; Less health"Tainted ShukoCharacter
The Moonstruck

(2.73; ×0.6)
(3.50; ×0.91)
(6.00; ×0.67)

Note: Tainted Shuko cannot have more than 4 soul hearts.

0 coins, 0 bombs, 0 keys.

Starting items
Shuko's Scalpel

Flat Stone (inherent)

​Paramedic's Medikit (consumable slot)

Cannot have Red Heart containers. Any item that gives Red Heart containers will grant a Soul Heart instead.

Tainted Shuko cannot pick up hearts, and cannot find items that lack the offensive tag, unless that item has the quest tag, or grants her flight.

While holding the attack keys, Tainted Shuko performs the following attacks in this order:

• Throws 3 Flat Stone tears.
• Swings her scalpel, dealing damage and spawning blood tears if the scalpel successfully hits an enemy. This attack cannot be performed without Shuko's Scalpel.
• Fires shrinking ice pellets in a shotgun-like pattern.
• Shakes her flask, readying a powerful random concoction attack.

After preparing her attack flask, Tainted Shuko can save the concoction for later use by tapping the Drop button, or use it immediately by releasing the shoot button.

If Tainted Shuko is at one heart of health or less, her flask attack is replaced with a healing potion that restores half a soul heart.

Tainted Shuko is immune to Revelations Mod's Glacier floor's freeze effect.

Unlock: Open up the hidden Red Door in the Home level as Shuko.

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Kicks and Giggles

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