ElitiumConsole"???"Active item (8 rooms recharge time)
Activates one of the following effects, with a 40% chance of not doing anything:
• [If any enemy is in the room] +40 temporary flat damage.
• [If any enemy is in the room] Each enemy takes 50 damage.
• [If an item is in the room] Rerolls every item in the current room into another item from the current room's item pool.
• [If an item can appear in the room] Spawn a random item.
• [Only in the Boss Room] Each enemy takes 20-200 damage, ignoring boss armor.
• [Only in Arcades] Spawns 20 random coins.
• [Only in Shops] Spawns 5 random Shop items.
• [Only in Angel/Devil Rooms] Spawns a Soul Heart or Black Heart.
• [Only in Angel Rooms] Spawns an Eternal Heart.
• [Only in Boss Rush] Spawns a random item and 3 random hearts.
• [Only in Bedrooms] Activates XIX - The Sun.
• [Only in Chest rooms] Spawns a random chest.

• [Only on Hard more or Greedier mode] 20% chance to apply curse on stage.
• [Only in COOP] 20% chance to grant random Major Arcana card to random player.
• [Only if Repentance Negative installed] 1% chance to grant Minus Shard.

Costs 99¢ when found in a Shop.
Unlock: Defeat Delirium as Crice.

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