EpiphanyTarnished Magdalene"Adrenaline rush, uncontainable love"Tarnished MagdaleneCharacter

(2.45; ×0.9)
(2.62; ×0.75)

0 coins, 0 bombs, 0 keys.

Starting items
Cardiac Arrest (consumable slot)

Has an additional bleed bar under the health bar which is granted by Cardiac Arrest. Check the item information for more details.

The bleed bar also shows an additional Half Red Heart bar that starts at 0/12. Collecting 12 Half Red Hearts will grant +1 Full Red Heart container, and reset the bar while also increasing the maximum amount of Half Hearts needed for another container.

The amount of Half Hearts needed directly scales with the current number of Red Heart containers: ((MaxHearts + 1) / 2) ^ 1.5, but cannot be less than 5. Goes up to 71 at 12 heart containers.

Cardiac Arrest will prioritize draining hearts from the bonus meter rather than Tarnished Magdalene's health.

Gaining a heart container via the bonus meter will prematurely stop the bleed effects of Cardiac Arrest.

Tarnished Magdalene +0.7 speed upon taking damage which decays over 7 seconds.

Unlock: Obtain Bleeding Heart by using Yum Heart in the first floor's Sacrifice Room as Tainted Magdalene and defeat Mom's Heart/It Lives! [video tutorial]

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ANNOUNCEMENT The website has been updated with the changes introduced in patch v1.9.7.9 --- check out this video to see what's new! [dismiss]
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