#512Black Hole"Nothing can escape"Active item (4 rooms recharge time)
Throws a black hole that sucks in pickups, enemies and projectiles, and lasts for 6 seconds.

The hole deals 0.4 damage per tick (6 per second) to enemies it's sucking in.

The hole will slightly suck in Isaac but cannot deal damage to him.

Can destroy nearby obstacles in a radius that expands over time.

Cannot destroy room doors.

Cannot suck in stationary or invincible enemies.

Some bosses cannot be sucked in, although they will still take damage from the hole.

Unlock: Destroy 20 Portal enemies.

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ANNOUNCEMENT The website has been updated with the changes introduced in patch v1.9.7.9 --- check out this video to see what's new! [dismiss]
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To see information about items in the previous Repentance version, check this page instead.

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