Fiend FolioCool Sunglasses"Gold rush"Passive item
On pickup +6 pennies.

While heldWhen entering an uncleared room, up to 3 of Isaac's coins will drop on random locations in the room. No coins are dropped if he does not have any.

Moving towards coins will grant a temporary speed boost, up to +0.5 speed based on how close Isaac is to a coin.

Picking up any coin will damage all enemies in the room.

Coins deal damage depending on their value.
Penny - Isaac's amount of damage.
Lego Stud - Isaac's amount of damage.
Double Penny - 2x Isaac's damage.
Lucky Penny - 2x Isaac's damage.
Nickel - 3x Isaac's damage.
Dime - 5x Isaac's damage.
Cursed Penny - random amount between 50% and 500% of Isaac's damage.

Other coins not listed here do not deal any damage.

Unlock: Defeat Greed Mode as Fiend.

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ANNOUNCEMENT The Repentance+ DLC has been released! The full release notes can be found here. The new game files have been imported to the website and any item attribute changes are automatically shown. Manual descriptions have also been updated according to the release notes and other various sources. [dismiss]
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