#593Mars"Double tap dash"Passive item
Isaac can dash by double-tapping a direction key.

While dashing, Isaac is immune to all sources of damage, with the exception of self-sacrifice mechanics such as Devil Beggars and Blood Donation Machines. However, it can be used to enter Curse Rooms and open Spiked Chests for free.

He also gains 1 second of invulnerability after the dash, similar to the Book of Shadows effect.

The dash deals 4 × DamageStat + 8 damage.

The direction of the dash can be influenced by holding another movement button.

Hitting an obstacle while dashing knocks back Isaac and surrounding enemies. This might cause them to take damage if they collide with another enemy or an obstacle.

The knockback effect also creates rock waves in a small radius that deal 10 damage per tick (3-5 ticks in total), and can break obstacles.

The dash has a 3-second cooldown.

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