Fiend FolioSculpted Pepper"Strength in arrogance"Active item (8.33 seconds recharge time)
Drops a large stone block onto the nearest enemy, instantly killing it, as well as any enemies in its very close proximity.

The drop location is randomized by the enemy's current movement speed. If no valid enemies are available, it will drop at a random location.

Bosses and Mini-bosses cannot be targeted or hurt by the stone block.

Shooting at the block will start chiseling it into a statue of one of 3 possible characters: Isaac, Magdalene, or Fiend.

The statue has a total of 3 stages that need to be broken down, and each shot by any source has a 50% chance to advance it to the next stage.

When broken, the statue will emit an aura that, when entered, will give certain bonuses to Isaac, or apply effects to enemies:
Isaac: +1.3 damage; inflicts enemies with Hemorrhaging, causing them to rapidly bleed, take damage, leave damaging red creep on the ground, and spew out blood shots that damage enemies.
Magdalene: +20% tears; charms enemies, with a 6.67% of them locking on to attacking the statue.
Fiend: grants a 6.67% chance to shoot critical tears that deal 5x Isaac's damage; applies fear to enemies. The chance scales with luck and goes up to 33.33% with 13.5 luck.

Only one statue can be active at a time. Using the item again will remove the previously created one.

The statue has 35 HP and, when broken, will shoot out 8 tears in a circle that deal 1.5x Isaac's damage and inherit the aura's effects.

Tears shot from Fiend's statue also gain homing properties.

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