EclipsedBleeding Grimoire"I bleed pixels"Active item (3 rooms recharge time)
Isaac starts to bleed and constantly spews out red tears around him. The direction of the bleeding can be influenced by holding a fire button, which will slightly increase its range. It can also be pointed diagonally.

After bleeding for 20 seconds, Isaac will take half a heart of damage, but only red hearts and rotten hearts are affected. The damage over time effect will continue every 20 seconds until the bleeding is stopped by receiving any form of red heart or rotten heart healing. Eternal hearts also work.

Bleeding will also stop if Isaac has no more red or rotten hearts, or if the next bit of bleed damage will kill him.

The bleeding effect of the item won't activate if Isaac has no red or rotten hearts.

While bleeding, Isaac's tears inflict bleeding on enemies. If Isaac doesn't have red hearts, this effect lasts only for the current room.

This item contributes towards the Bookworm transformation. Collecting 3 items from this set will make Isaac fire an extra tear 25% of the time.

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