#519Lil Delirium"Delirious friend"Familiar
Spawns a familiar that transforms into another random familiar every 10 seconds. The familiar will take on a Delirium-like appearance, but otherwise has the same stats and behavior as the non-Delirium counterpart.

Can transform into the following familiars:
Acid Baby
Big Chubby
Bob's Brain
Cube of Meat (level 4)
Dry Baby
Farting Baby
Fruity Plum
Headless Baby
Isaac's Head
Lil Brimstone
Lil Gurdy
Lil Haunt
Lil Loki
Lil Monstro
Little Chubby
Little Gish
Robo-Baby 2.0

Can transform into the same familiar multiple times in a row, thus keeping the same form for more than 10 seconds.

The familiar can damage Isaac when taking the form of BBF or Bob's Brain.

This item contributes towards the Conjoined transformation. Collecting 3 items from this set will make Isaac shoot in 3 directions at the cost of -0.3 damage and -0.3 tears.
Unlock: Defeat Delirium.

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To see information about items in the previous Repentance version, check this page instead.

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