July 1st, 2024: The website has been fully rewritten! Check the changelog for a full list of changes.
EclipsedShroomface"Full of spores"Passive item
By holding the fire button for 3 seconds, Isaac fires 3 spores in random directions. The size and speed of the spores are also random.

When a spore hits an obstacle, the ground, or a wall, it explodes, knocking back and confusing nearby enemies for 1 second.

The spores stick to enemies and grow in size until they explode.

The spore explosion knocks back and confuses nearby enemies for 5 seconds.

Enemies pushed into walls, obstacles, or to other enemies take 8 + 2 × CurrentFloor damage.

This item contributes towards the Fun Guy transformation. Collecting 3 items from this set will give Isaac +1 full red heart container.

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