EclipsedTainted Unbidden"Cursed?"Character
The Infinite

(5.75; ×0.5)

0 coins, 0 bombs, 0 keys.

Starting items
Threshold (consumable slot)

Has no health, instead he has a Rewind Counter with 50% at the start of the run.

The Rewind Counter increases to +1% for each room cleared, reaching a maximum of 100%.

The Rewind Counter activates when Unbidden dies and has one of 2 outcomes based on the counter percentage:
• Activates Glowing Hourglass.
• Restart the whole run.

If it activates the rewind effect, it will decrease the Rewind Counter by -1%. Decreased percentage will increase after each rewind and resets when moving to the next floor.

Has the ability to fly.

Instead of shooting tears, Unbidden creates an area-of-effect pulse attack. The radius scales with Unbidden's range which cannot be lower than 3.0 and higher than 15.0.

All items turn into Lemegeton wisps when touched. As a result, Unbidden can obtain all multiple-choice pedestal items when they are presented.

Receiving Soul Heart adds to all Lemegeton Item wisps +2 HP (max 24 HP).

Active items can be swapped similarly to Schoolbag as long as Unbidden has their respective item wisps.

If an active item wisp was lost while holding said item in the main active slot, it will remain there until used or swapped with another one.

Devil Deal items can be purchased for 15% of the Rewind Counter.

Unlock: Open up the hidden Red Door in the Home level as Unbidden.

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