#616Bird's Eye"It burns"Passive item
Grants Isaac a chance to shoot fires alongside his tears that block enemy shots and deal damage to enemies, similarly to Red Candle.

Fires can block up to 4 shots and/or deal 4 ticks of damage before being destroyed. They last for 10 seconds otherwise.

Fires deal 4x Isaac's damage at full durability, 3x after taking damage once, and 2x otherwise, for a maximum possible damage of 11x Isaac's damage per fire.

The chance to shoot a fire scales with Isaac's luck, and equals to 1 / (12 - LuckStat). At base luck, the chance is 8.33%, going up to 50% with 10 luck.

Flames' size scales with Isaac's tear size.

Causes Isaac's farts to also spawn a fire.

Flames will turn certain enemies into stronger, fire-like variants.

Flames can be used to destroy Shopkeepers.

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